Tuesday, December 22, 2009

We Wish You a Merry Christmas!!

Oh, the Christmas spirit!! We have been trying to be filled with it. John and I went to see an amazing local play called "A Beautiful Star". We have had loads of snow and some sledding. The girls sing endless carols and we have had some family visiting recently. We all went to see "The Nutcracker" with Gamma and Great Grandma June ( a very special treat!!). I also took Isaiah up to Boone to meet our newest family member, Mary Elizabeth Lynch (my niece). What a special Christmas present for everyone!! She is beautiful and sweet and a very special blessing. Naomi says "Mewwy Kissmas" to everyone and Jadie Ruth is starting to truly understand the meaning of Christmas and her overwhelming need for Jesus. Isaiah is crawling (army/inch worm style) and is such a charmer. He loves to play with/ pull people's hair- especially mine, is starting to eat "real" food, and really showing his sweet and excited personality. He is definitely a mover and I think once he really starts going, we are going to be in for it. So, that's the latest on us. Below is our version of Christmas caroling. Hope it blesses you as much as it has us!! Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

No, it's in the attic.

So, our house is on the market now. It has only been on for a little over 2 months and I feel like it has been eternity. It is NOT fun to have 3 babies and a house on the market in addition to holidays and preschool and meetings and this and that and everything else. But, the thing that I dislike the most is that so many times a day my kids ask "Mommy, can I pay pay-do (play playdough)?", "Mommy, can I pay wif my go-sey (grocery) cart?' , "Mommy, where is my baby stollew (stroller)?". And the answer is always "No, it's in attic." I feel terrible for my little ones that most of their toys and fun things have been put up there, but the terror that someone mught call and want to see my house in as little as 15 minutes (and that has happened more times that I can remember) is overwhelming. And, so we play with blank paper and very few toys. I have kept their dress up down and that has saved us on many a day. Those girls are some very imaginative little ones and it is hilarious to see what they come up with. I console myself with the idea that I am encouraging their imaginations by denying their toys. Hopefully we will sell our house soon and be able to have every toy ever given to them out......for a day. It hink I would go crazy after having such a clean house for 2 and 1/2 months. Although I can also see myself wallowing in dirt and unfolded laundry and dishes and toys for a few days to make up for excessive tidiness that has been my life recently. I am ready to have a home again with colorings on the fridge and pictures of my kids and our style. I can't wait, in fact.
So, kid updates. Isaiah is crwaling and eating solid- like a champ. Naomi is potty trained. Totally on a whim I asked if she wanted to wear underwear, she said yes and there you go. She did have a few accidents the first few days, but that's it. I am still in shock at how easy she was. I tried, fought, convinced, attempted to train Jadie Ruth for 2 and 1/2 years before she was considered potty trained. I k=never knew it could be so easy. Another reason I feel bad for the first born. Back to updates. Jadie Ruth is growing like a weed and turning into quite the lady. She doesn't have even the slightest hint of baby in her voice, she sings and dances and tells stories and LOVES to be the center of attention. One of her latest favorite thngs to say is "Hey guys, I have something to tell you" and the then she doesn' know what to say. It's funny. Oh, my babes are growing and changing and it is wonderful. I love to be a mama.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

oh yeah, I forgot.

So, in the past few months, I seem to have forgotten all about this poor little blog. I started out with such good intentions. So, here are a few little updated. First of all, I am officially giving myself permission to post even just a phrase if I need to. I was so under the impression that I had to write big stories, but now I will not be intimidated....I can just write a phrase if I want. Secondly, we have recently- maybe a month ago- put our house on the market. I am a lunactic as a result, but my house has never looked better. And finally, here's the latest. Isaiah is SIX MONTHS OLD!!! Are you kidding me? It feels like he was just born. Stats are as follows: 18lb15oz, 28and1/4 inches long and talking up a storm. He most recent sounds are an extremely high pitched squeel- not at all my favorite....I actually used to really hate being around other people's kids who were shriekers and I would thank my stars that I never had one. Well, I now have one. Funny, it takes my having a boy to have a baby that screams like a girl. Oi! I am ready for this stage to be over. The other thing he is currently entertaining himself- and us- with is "da". It really is starting to sound a lot like "da-da" and it just warms my heart to hear him say that, even though he clearly is not meaning what he is saying, it is sweet that he says it anyway. And the boy is trying with the locomotion, too! He is pushing his little heiny up in the air and then pushing up on his hands- currently loving to look at the ceiling while on his belly- sort of like a seal. He actually got up on both hands and knees for a second yesterday. Ooooo, the boy is going to be off in no time. It is crazy how much earlier he is doing things than the girls. I always heard boys were slower, but apparently my boy is not so much. Ok- I'm going to bed. I promise not to wait months again. I WILL have memories of my kids childhood!! Oh yeah, and he now has 2 teeth....WHAT!!!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

French fry soup

I have been demoted to "Kari". Jadie Ruth says "you're not my mom, Kari. Naomi is my mom and she takes good care of me. She feeds me french fry soup". Naomi really does "take good care" of her. She, when she's not taking things or hitting her, she dotes over her just like her own child. She is the helper and Jadie Ruth is the needy one. Granted, this is not always the case, but it seems to be today. Jadie Ruth is so dramatic and while Naomi can definitely have her moments, she seems to be a bit more even keeled. She is a giver and will do most things for her sister- climb up onto the couch to turn on the light that Jadie Ruth can easily reach. If she picks up something that Jadie Ruth has played with in the last hour and Jadie Ruth has a total melt down because it is MINE, I ask Jadie Ruth if she asked Naomi to give it back and, of course, the answer is "no". When Jadie Ruth calms down enough to ask nicely, most of the time Naomi simply hands it back- no problems, no drama. It's pretty funny, considering she's 2. Earlier, they were sitting on the self made choo-choo train (yes, it's a common occurrance around here). Naomi was taking blocks out of the box one by one and placing them around Jadie Ruth saying with each placement "fee-oo bedda...fee-oo bedda (feel better)".
They also like to play "have a baby". Since we had Isaiah at home, my girls were sufficiently schooled in home labor and delivery. They watched many a home birth video (yes, including the baby coming out). Anyway, Jadie Ruth is always the one having the baby and she always tells me that Naomi is her midwife. It is amazing to watch Naomi "coach" Jadie Ruth and do all the midwife things. She adjusts pillows, strokes her head, talks softly to her saying "iss OK, sis-sa". All the while, Jadie Ruth has a stuffed animal crammed under her shirt and is "oooooo" ing. Then they both jump up and yell "it's a boy, it's a boy!!!"....just like their mama. It's amazing, really and truly sweet. Naomi has a true servant spirit. When we named Naomi, I wanted to speak that closeness into their relationship just as Ruth and Naomi in the bible. It's amazing to really see it come to pass, even in their childhood.

Ok- I need to go, but I have more to say on this and will edit it later.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Moon go ni- night.

Naomi is "reading" Goodnight Moon, except for she is holding it while singing "moon go ni-night, tars go ni-night" over and over again. Oh, now she is picking up every book she knows and singing the few words she knows from each book. So darn cute. "Baby booooga" (Baby Baluga). "Munny hop way...munny hop a-way" (The Runaway Bunny). "pin-sess, pin-sess, pin-sess, pin-sess......dee enn" (Snow White). "oo..oo..aa..aa...oo..oo..aa....aa...no jum on bed....five liddda mun-nee faw down...noo mun-nee jum on bed....dee enn" (Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed). All the while, Jadie Ruth is standing by the door with her bathing suit on and her bag packed, waiting to go to the pool. We're not leaving for an hour. I guess patience is a good thing to learn. We'll see how long she lasts.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Baby Isaiah amidst the sermon

So, we get to church late as usual and we are even later getting into the sanctuary because we have to drop Jadie Ruth and Naomi off in their classes. This is par for us, we are chronic late people. I know that is a pet peeve for lots of people, I just can't seem to get it together, although I surely try my darndest. Anyway, due to our usual lateness, we have to sit the the lower balcony. I have Isaiah in my sling in hopes that he will go to sleep, as church usually falls during his morning nap. Of course, he's as bright-eyed as he can be, but is being quiet so I keep him with us. As the semon goes on, he catches the eyes of the woman sitting behind us and another woman sitting beside us and just stares with his beautiful blue eyes. The woman are enchanted (heehee). They look back at him every few minutes while trying to be good congregation folk, but he keeps on staring and distracting with an occasional smile. All the while I'm pattin' and rockin', trying to get him to go to sleep. One of the woman whispers something sweet to him and he smiles real big and "Blaaaah!!" lets out the biggest burp you've ever heard out of a 3 month old- right in the middle of church! I was surprised that Will didn't stop preaching. Needless to say, snickers covered our side of the balcony. I was thankful that we were sitting behind the hearing impaired folks who were having the sermon translated into sign language- atleast they caught what Will said during that bit of the sermon. Merely minutes after Isaiah's additon to the sermon, he turns his head, takes his paci and goes on to sleep. Whew!

Saturday, August 8, 2009


Naomi calls Mary Poppins "mommy pop-ems". And Jadie Ruth says "yet's go" instead of "let's go". She used to say lellow for yellow, but recently has learned the correct way to say it. I let me girls pick out their own clothes, for the most part. Most of you who see me on a regular basis can probably tell that, but I think it's great to give them choices where it really isn't that big of a deal to me. Although, I must say that I will always be sure that each of my children has atleast one pair of cow boots (that's what we call cowboy boots- it started when they were younger and it has stuck). Yep, they will always have cow boots and I will always (well, almost always) encourage the girls to wear them with dresses. I love it and think it's the cutest thing ever. For those who weren't at our wedding or didn't see- I wore cow boots under my dress at my reception. And, of course, a little boy in cow boots- could you get any cuter than that? I can't wait until Isaiah is big enough to get some. I guess my kids will probably end just as quirky as me.

Jadie Ruth used to growl when she was tiny. Some kids get into the high pitched shrieking, but not my Jadie Ruth. She decided that the lower register was the place to find her voice. The first time I heard it was at the end of her nap one day. There was growling coming from her room and I seriously thought that maybe she was possessed. She would do it all the time- even in Target. She really freaked out a cashier one day when the woman couldn't figure out what the crazy sound was- I just pointed to the little cherub sitting on my hip. What's a mama to do? It's kind of like when your kid blows it out in church, or even just toots. Parenting is a humbling experience. People think that you are just blaming your kid for whatever offense (and I can't say that I haven't done that before), but it usually really is them. You just have to keep going and eventually you won't be so embarrassed. In fact you'll probably become too comfortable with the whole body and it's particular functions. I have had a time or two when I have started discussing things like the projectile poop that went all the way up to the neckline of my shirt while changing Isaiah's diaper on my lap (yeah, he started pooping while the diaper was off), or the fact that Jadie Ruth finds great pleasure in discussing the size and/or consistency of her poops- "I just did an adult sized poop, Mommy!". Or that I have changed a diaper while sitting on the toilet myself. These are things that I really should learn to keep to myself , but I just think they are hilarious.............................sorry for that previous bit. I don't blame you if you don't want to read this blog any more.

Naomi used to sing herself to sleep when she was an infant. I'd be walking around holding her and trying to get a few things done and I would hear this little hum with each breathe. Quite possibly the most beautiful song a mama could her, that of her brand new baby singing. Isaiah does this too, but in his own sound. I love it and hope to remember it forever.

Jadie Ruth and Naomi have done a few little modeling things recently and Jadie Ruth officially has a model pose. It's hilarious. She cocks her little hip out and puts only the toes of the opposite leg on the ground and smiles real chessy-like. I roll with laughter every time she does it. I will post a pic soon- I've got one on my camera. Thank goodness she hasn't pulled this one out during a real shoot- the people would probably think I taught her that. But, alas, she has come up with it on her own.

One more and I have GOT to get off this computer. Jadie Ruth says that things are "soakin' dirty". I mean seriously? She cracks me up.

Morning choochoo

So, I got up after the girls had been up for a bit and John had already gone to work- not very long after he left, but apparently long enough. He was kind enough to give them their milk and some O's with raisins to keep them happy until I was done nursing Isaiah and ready to get up. I walked into the kitchen and this is what I see (I considered taking a picture, but, of course, my memory card is full): Every chair from the kitchen is lined up along with numerous push toys to make a choo-choo train through the kitchen, there is water, cheerios and raisins all over the floor surrounding a box of chicken broth, the fridge door is wide open with one of the fridge door shelves on the ground and all of it's contents (except for the chicken broth) are shoved onto the lowest shelf of the open fridge. Oh, and there is a baby doll stroller on top of the kitchen table. Oi! Seriously, this is what 2 little girls are capable in a matter of a few minutes. I am taking all of this in as Naomi continuously says "Sowee mommy, sowee mommy" and Jadie Ruth is professing her utter innocence. Keep in mind that Jadie Ruth is the only one of the 2 of them that is strong enough to actually open the refrigerator- innocent, I think not! Really, I had just a flash of astonishment and then got to cleaning up. Jadie Ruth got sent to get dressed and Naomi to the chair of time out. I don't get that mad about things like this because they were having a good time and admittedly I was not there to tell them no. They had gotten out their small mop and broom in attempts to clean it up themsleves, but clearly that didn't work out. Those of you who know me know that I am fairly strict with my kids and I don't want this story to sound like I just let them do whatever they want- that is definitely not the case around here, but they do have great imaginations and it's fun to see what they do when left to their own devises. In the end, no one got hurt, they sincerely apologized and understand that they are not allowed to get anywhere NEAR the fridge anymore. SO, there's my morning so far and we've only been up for an hour. Now, off to get ready and take the kids yardsaling.....yes, I am insane. But, that's why you read this, right?

Friday, August 7, 2009

Naomi's big night

Tonight we went to eat dinner at Gigi and PopPop's (for those of you who don't know, they are John's parents). We were sitting at the table and the girls were playing in bedroom close to the kitchen. All of the sudden we hear the toilet flush and Naomi runs in bare bottomed "I go peepee, I go peepee!!!" She had just gone in and done it all by herself. I was shocked, proud and, honestly, surprised that she hadn't fallen in. She has been interested in the potty and going on occasion for the past few weeks, but this was for sure a big accomplishment. After fighting with Jadie Ruth for 2 and 1/2 years about the potty, I resolved that I would never potty train a child again- seriously. I feel sure that they will figure it out eventually and I feel strongly that I don't want to let the stress that I have felt with her continue on to my other children. That's one of the pros and cons of being the first child. You are the guinea pig for many failed attempts at parenting, but you are also the only one who has ever had the full attention of your parents and been doated over like no other. For the most part, I feel sorry for poor Jadie Ruth and hope that I am not ruining her forever. (For those of you who find the urge to comment on the previous comment- I know that I am not a bad parent and the she is not truly ruined, it's meerly my stream of consciousness).

Anyway, back to the peepee. My sweet baby Naomi, who is no longer my baby. I am super excited at the idea of only having one kid in diapers, but I am also a little sad- not about the actual diapers, just about the growing up of it all. Having Isaiah brings back so much of the special babyhood that I think all mothers miss. It is so preciuos to have this tiny thing that is ultimately helpless without YOU. You, mama, and no other. It is an addictive thing to be some one's everything, literally. I love that I am able to realize the intensity and blessing more and more with each babe, as the fear and timidity (if that's a word) becomes less and less. I've had babies, I know how to do this, so now I can pay better attention to how it feels to be new mama of sorts again. I can take advantage of really seeing my baby grow...watch his eye lashes come in ....see his hairline grow closer to his forhead- it started pretty far back- they weren't kidding when they say some babies look like old men. Oh, the tangent of being a mother. I could go on and on. Literally, I could, because that's why I started this blog. What a nice feeling. I just so want my babies to realize how very much I love them and that even though this is a stressful time, I wouldn't trade it for the world. I want everything for them- including the storms. I want them to grow up amazing people with wonderful character who will change the world. Who will love God with all their hearts and for those that encounter them to be new and different people because of them. Wow, and I said when I started this that it wouldn't be deep. Anyway, Naomi went peepee in the potty all by herself. What an amazing little girl with a huge accomplishment.

The beginning

Naomi says nay-naid for band aid. That's pretty much my reason for starting this blog. Or, Jadie Ruth first called a Popsicle a plastical. Isaiah really started grasping today. He was laying on his "jungle" gym and I watched him actually take hold of the little parrot and giraffe hanging above his wee little hands. I am desperate to remember these things and for my children to be able to hear these stories instead of "I was so busy with 3 kids I don't actually remember what your voice sounded like or what your language was before you learned to speak like the "rest of us". As I am typing Naomi is going back and forth bringing and taking pink and yellow plates from their tea set given by Gamma. Pause- I need to go change Naomi's diaper- she has stunk for a while, but now is just admitting to it("I no sit my poopoo") and willing to have her diaper changed- I have decided to choose my battles and not force it. So, NOW we will change it, without a fight. Much nicer for all involved.