Tuesday, December 22, 2009

We Wish You a Merry Christmas!!

Oh, the Christmas spirit!! We have been trying to be filled with it. John and I went to see an amazing local play called "A Beautiful Star". We have had loads of snow and some sledding. The girls sing endless carols and we have had some family visiting recently. We all went to see "The Nutcracker" with Gamma and Great Grandma June ( a very special treat!!). I also took Isaiah up to Boone to meet our newest family member, Mary Elizabeth Lynch (my niece). What a special Christmas present for everyone!! She is beautiful and sweet and a very special blessing. Naomi says "Mewwy Kissmas" to everyone and Jadie Ruth is starting to truly understand the meaning of Christmas and her overwhelming need for Jesus. Isaiah is crawling (army/inch worm style) and is such a charmer. He loves to play with/ pull people's hair- especially mine, is starting to eat "real" food, and really showing his sweet and excited personality. He is definitely a mover and I think once he really starts going, we are going to be in for it. So, that's the latest on us. Below is our version of Christmas caroling. Hope it blesses you as much as it has us!! Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

No, it's in the attic.

So, our house is on the market now. It has only been on for a little over 2 months and I feel like it has been eternity. It is NOT fun to have 3 babies and a house on the market in addition to holidays and preschool and meetings and this and that and everything else. But, the thing that I dislike the most is that so many times a day my kids ask "Mommy, can I pay pay-do (play playdough)?", "Mommy, can I pay wif my go-sey (grocery) cart?' , "Mommy, where is my baby stollew (stroller)?". And the answer is always "No, it's in attic." I feel terrible for my little ones that most of their toys and fun things have been put up there, but the terror that someone mught call and want to see my house in as little as 15 minutes (and that has happened more times that I can remember) is overwhelming. And, so we play with blank paper and very few toys. I have kept their dress up down and that has saved us on many a day. Those girls are some very imaginative little ones and it is hilarious to see what they come up with. I console myself with the idea that I am encouraging their imaginations by denying their toys. Hopefully we will sell our house soon and be able to have every toy ever given to them out......for a day. It hink I would go crazy after having such a clean house for 2 and 1/2 months. Although I can also see myself wallowing in dirt and unfolded laundry and dishes and toys for a few days to make up for excessive tidiness that has been my life recently. I am ready to have a home again with colorings on the fridge and pictures of my kids and our style. I can't wait, in fact.
So, kid updates. Isaiah is crwaling and eating solid- like a champ. Naomi is potty trained. Totally on a whim I asked if she wanted to wear underwear, she said yes and there you go. She did have a few accidents the first few days, but that's it. I am still in shock at how easy she was. I tried, fought, convinced, attempted to train Jadie Ruth for 2 and 1/2 years before she was considered potty trained. I k=never knew it could be so easy. Another reason I feel bad for the first born. Back to updates. Jadie Ruth is growing like a weed and turning into quite the lady. She doesn't have even the slightest hint of baby in her voice, she sings and dances and tells stories and LOVES to be the center of attention. One of her latest favorite thngs to say is "Hey guys, I have something to tell you" and the then she doesn' know what to say. It's funny. Oh, my babes are growing and changing and it is wonderful. I love to be a mama.