Naomi calls Mary Poppins "mommy pop-ems". And Jadie Ruth says "yet's go" instead of "let's go". She used to say lellow for yellow, but recently has learned the correct way to say it. I let me girls pick out their own clothes, for the most part. Most of you who see me on a regular basis can probably tell that, but I think it's great to give them choices where it really isn't that big of a deal to me. Although, I must say that I will always be sure that each of my children has atleast one pair of cow boots (that's what we call cowboy boots- it started when they were younger and it has stuck). Yep, they will always have cow boots and I will always (well, almost always) encourage the girls to wear them with dresses. I love it and think it's the cutest thing ever. For those who weren't at our wedding or didn't see- I wore cow boots under my dress at my reception. And, of course, a little boy in cow boots- could you get any cuter than that? I can't wait until Isaiah is big enough to get some. I guess my kids will probably end just as quirky as me.
Jadie Ruth used to growl when she was tiny. Some kids get into the high pitched shrieking, but not my Jadie Ruth. She decided that the lower register was the place to find her voice. The first time I heard it was at the end of her nap one day. There was growling coming from her room and I seriously thought that maybe she was possessed. She would do it all the time- even in Target. She really freaked out a cashier one day when the woman couldn't figure out what the crazy sound was- I just pointed to the little cherub sitting on my hip. What's a mama to do? It's kind of like when your kid blows it out in church, or even just toots. Parenting is a humbling experience. People think that you are just blaming your kid for whatever offense (and I can't say that I haven't done that before), but it usually really is them. You just have to keep going and eventually you won't be so embarrassed. In fact you'll probably become too comfortable with the whole body and it's particular functions. I have had a time or two when I have started discussing things like the projectile poop that went all the way up to the neckline of my shirt while changing Isaiah's diaper on my lap (yeah, he started pooping while the diaper was off), or the fact that Jadie Ruth finds great pleasure in discussing the size and/or consistency of her poops- "I just did an adult sized poop, Mommy!". Or that I have changed a diaper while sitting on the toilet myself. These are things that I really should learn to keep to myself , but I just think they are hilarious.............................sorry for that previous bit. I don't blame you if you don't want to read this blog any more.
Naomi used to sing herself to sleep when she was an infant. I'd be walking around holding her and trying to get a few things done and I would hear this little hum with each breathe. Quite possibly the most beautiful song a mama could her, that of her brand new baby singing. Isaiah does this too, but in his own sound. I love it and hope to remember it forever.
Jadie Ruth and Naomi have done a few little modeling things recently and Jadie Ruth officially has a model pose. It's hilarious. She cocks her little hip out and puts only the toes of the opposite leg on the ground and smiles real chessy-like. I roll with laughter every time she does it. I will post a pic soon- I've got one on my camera. Thank goodness she hasn't pulled this one out during a real shoot- the people would probably think I taught her that. But, alas, she has come up with it on her own.
One more and I have GOT to get off this computer. Jadie Ruth says that things are "soakin' dirty". I mean seriously? She cracks me up.